

按此放大, 来自中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的焊接专业学生在2023年制造日展示了他们的手艺, 为高中生提供了一个了解国家不断扩大的工业部门的工作和职业的机会. 大学的代表们在现场向感兴趣的学生展示了哪些教育途径可以获得利润丰厚的制造业工作.


来自中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的焊接专业学生在2023制造业展示了他们的行业 ... (更多)

按此放大,  我是Mertek Solutions的Jerry Pedley, 正确的, 十多年前,他是“制造日”的开拓者之一,邀请学生到他在桑福德的机器人制造工厂参观. 佩德利仍然作为参展商和该活动最大的支持者之一参与制造日.


我是Mertek Solutions的Jerry Pedley, 正确的, was one of the trailblazers for Manufacturing Day when ... (更多)

按此放大,  沃尔夫斯比的麦克·迈尔斯, 左, 回答一位“制造日”参观者关于半导体制造公司工作的问题. 总部设在达勒姆, Wolfspeed is now building one of the world's largest materials manufacturing plants in Siler City, an area served by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院.


沃尔夫斯比的麦克·迈尔斯, 左, answers questions from one Manufacturing Day visitor about jobs with ... (更多)

按此放大,  One of the more popular demonstrations at 2023 Manufacturing Day was a virtual reality simulation. Students were fitted with headsets and handheld devices to experience one of the hands-on, Transfr开发的训练模拟, 总部设在纽约的公司, 让工人为高薪工作做好准备.


One of the more popular demonstrations at 2023 Manufacturing Day was a virtual reality simulation. ... (更多)

按此放大,  即使在大的工业空间, there were plenty of Instagram moments at Manufacturing Day -- including this one, where students climbed in and out of Caterpillar compact construction machines for a photo. 公司官员与学生讨论的机会之一是卡特彼勒在桑福德与中央卡罗莱纳社区学院和李县学校提供的世界知名的焊接学徒.


即使在大的工业空间, there were plenty of Instagram moments at Manufacturing Day -- ... (更多)

按此放大,  许多学生来到制造日,对机器人如何在工业中使用和编程来完成特定任务特别感兴趣. 几家公司展出了工作机器人,并花时间回答了有关设计和制造过程的问题.


Many students came to Manufacturing Day with a particular interest in how robots are used in industry ... (更多)

按此放大,  Swag一直是制造日的热门元素,Mertek Solutions将教育演示与免费礼品相结合. After students hit a button to start the process, 这个机械臂向一个方向转动抓住高尔夫球座,然后向另一个方向转动拿起高尔夫球,然后把它们都放在学生面前, so they could collect their swag and continue exploring the exhibition hall.


Swag is always a popular element of Manufacturing Day and Mertek Solutions combined an educational ... (更多)

10.18.2023大学 & 社区大学一般特别活动

桑福德,N.C. -每年10月的第一个星期五是庆祝制造业及其影响的国家制造日, which provides an opportunity to inspire the next generation of manufacturers, 积极改变对行业的看法, and build the foundation for the manufacturing workforce of the future.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted its Manufacturing Day event on Oct. 东线6号. 尤金·摩尔制造 & 生物技术解决方案中心,区域公司展示了制造业多样化的职业机会. The event strives to raise awareness and excitement around manufacturing careers for students, 教育工作者, 父母, 有影响力的人, 以及社区领袖.

参加此次年度展会的30多家公司涵盖了从机器人和激光到纺织品和重型设备的制造领域, with all providing a glimpse into what they make and how it is done.

当地公司包括Boon Edam, 谁的桌子上放着展示先进防盗门的视频, 旋转门和各种入口系统. 巴拉特锻造铝业美国公司展示了其许多本地制造的铝锻造组件,以支持其全球汽车OEM和一级供应商. Mertek Solutions showed why its president, Jerry Pedley, is known as "Mr. “机器人”,现场有一个示范机器人和一些用Mertek开发的解决方案制造的东西.

VinFast, which announced last year it will build a car plant in Moncure, 展出过它的一辆车吗, 一个白色的, 电动SUV吸引了众多与会者,他们有机会体验即将到来的新型电动汽车. 卡特彼勒带来了两架紧凑型建筑装载机,并帮助学生们坐在驾驶座上,考虑各种可能性. 卡特彼勒代表回答了有关该设备如何使用以及如何在桑福德制造的问题, N.C.

佩德利是十多年前制造业协会发起制造日活动的开拓者之一. Pedley says he's stunned by how this particular event has evolved and grown, even with a long hiatus during the recent pandemic. “第一个制造日, we had a small event at our facility and then it grew to 600 kids from five counties. That was all we could do, and we always wondered what's going to be next,他说. “我无法相信它是如何发展的. I'm so proud of the community college, the people who work here and what they've done. 这是有史以来最惊人的事件."

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院在周边的桌子上提供信息,高中生和社区可以在那里了解进入制造业的教育途径. 项目领域包括激光 & 光子学, 生物技术, 汽车, 加工, 工业系统, 工商管理, 和工程, 伴随着焊接. 在线电子游戏网赌焊接区一整天都很忙碌,大学生们举行了焊接示范和与Transfr的合作, 公司. where students were able to have a virtual experience with several types of skills and jobs.

That kind of interest is what everyone was hoping for -- not only the college, but also company officials who spent the day introducing young people to the idea of manufacturing. Two leaders from Boon Edam traveled from Lillington to meet students at Manufacturing Day. 汤娅帕克, 公司的人力资源总监, said that a lot of students don't really understand what happens in manufacturing. They know that you make something, but they don't really know what happens inside the factory.

With more than 800 attendees - including over 500 students from schools in four counties, 这是一个理想的机会,向大家展示制造业是如何工作的,什么样的职业机会是可用的.

Boon Edam Plant Manager Eric White, who also made the trip up U.S. 421是制造日, 他说,国家经济的持续变化使得制造业和这类活动比以往任何时候都更加重要. 他在几年前就指出了这一点, we communicated as a nation that we were no longer a manufacturing country, 我们更注重服务, 我们把很多制造业转移到了海外. “我们知道这是一个完整的循环, where we're now moving back towards manufacturing and making things here,他说.

“我认为存在差距. 当我们做出这个决定时,我们失去了一些东西,现在我们正在向美国制造业转移. So, 我认为这是一个缩小差距的机会,让孩子们知道你可以在制造业有一个伟大的职业生涯."

他们中的许多人都在倾听. 午饭前不久, 来自匹兹堡诺斯伍德高中(Northwood High School)的一大群人正在观看三个机器人沿着一张由motion Ai操控的桌子运动, 这家公司为美国各地的公司分销自动化产品并组装机器人.

其中一位是杰克逊·怀特黑德, a senior who boarded one of the two packed school buses to learn more about robotics and architecture. "Building stuff is what I love to do,他说, so manufacturing could be where his career is headed. Though he was just getting started at Manufacturing Day, 怀特黑德已经对机器人留下了深刻印象, the lights and pretty much everything else around him. 那么,他今天剩下的时间有什么安排? “尽我所能查一查,”他说. "See everything I can see in the time that I have."

虽然重点是学生, Manufacturing Day also is something many companies use to make contacts and keep in touch. Last year, Pedley ran into his good friend Hayden Ireland from Electric Supply and Equipment Co. and enjoyed some time sharing stories and insights about the direction their industry is taking. 今年, Pedley was again looking forward to getting out from behind the table and meeting folks himself.

“我在其他摊位也有顾客, and I have potential customers in these other booths, so it's a great networking event just for us manufacturers to see each other,他说. “我们在一起的时间不够."

这正是帕特里夏·安德森在策划今年的活动时所希望的学生和雇主的反应. As the 在线电子游戏网赌 Executive Director for Industry 服务, Anderson wanted Manufacturing Day to be a fun and engaging event for everyone. Companies showcase the diverse career opportunities in manufacturing. Students learn that manufacturing careers offer high pay, professional growth and the chance to impact the world. And the college showcases pathways to good, lucrative jobs. “这次活动是双赢的,”她说. "It helps our communities and future generations thrive."

A big thanks to the industries that participated in the successful Manufacturing Day event: 3DFS; AD Tubi USA, 公司.; Arauco North America-Moncure; Armtec Defense Technologies; Astellas Gene Therapies; Bear Creek Arsenal; Bharat Forge Aluminum USA, 公司.; Boon Edam 公司.; Bulldog Hose Company; Caterpillar 公司.; Coty; CTI Systems; Edelbrock; Electric Supply and Equipment; Gildan; GKN Automotive; JMC Tool & Machine; Mertek Solutions 公司.; Moen; Morgan Advanced Materials; Motion AI; Mountaire Farms; Pentair; Pfizer; Pilgrim's Pride; STI Polymer; Transfr 公司.; Triangle Brick Company; True House North Carolina; VinFast and Wolfspeed.

Learn more about 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 by visiting www.预备.edu.